Supplementary Figure 2 from Prometastatic NEDD9 Regulates Individual Cell Migration via Caveolin-1–Dependent Trafficking of Integrins
Supplementary Figure 2. (A) Quantification of relative fluorescence intensity units (RFU) of ß1 integrin in BT459 and MDA-MB231LN cells as in (B); graph is mean RFU, % of siCon (assigned as 100%) +/-S.E.M; n=3, 15 cells/per treatment; one-way ANOVA with Dunnett's post-hoc analysis; ligand-bound: MDA-MD-231LN *p<0.023 (siCon/siN2 and N3), BT459 *p<0.0052 (siCon/siN2 and N3); ligand-free: p is not significant (ns). (B). Representative confocal images of MDA-MB-231 cells treated with siCon and siNEDD9 (N3) for 48h and stained with ß1 integrin (ligand-bound/extended and ligand-free/bent) (green) without permeabilization, DNA (blue); Dotted lines represent cell borders, insets-the enlarged areas of individual cells (white lines) of b1 integrin surface staining (left) or heatmaps of b1 integrin surface staining intesity (right) indicated by rectangles in the main panel. Scale bar, 10$m; (C). Quantification of relative fluorescence intensity units (RFU) of ligand-bound ß1 integrin in MDA-MB-453 and ZR75-1 cells with or w/o Nedd9-cDNA; graph is mean RFU, % of control (assigned as 100%) +/-S.E.M; n=3, 15 cells/per treatment; t-test: MDA-MB-453 and ZR75-1 *p<0.0001 (w/o Nedd9-cDNA/with Nedd9-cDNA). (D). Quantification of number of FITC-Col.I positive vesicles (%) co-stained with EEA1 or Rab7 in MDA-MB-435 cells cells incubated with FITC-collagen I and stained with anti-EEA1/or Rab7; normalized to control; 15cells/per staining; t-test, EEA1: *p<0.0001(w/o Nedd9-cDNA/with Nedd9-cDNA), Rab7: *p=0.0088 (w/o Nedd9-cDNA/with Nedd9-cDNA). (E-F). Confocal images of MDA-MB-231-siCon,-siN2) cells stained with anti-Integrin b1 active (12G10)