American Association for Cancer Research

Supplementary Tables S1-S4 from Serum Carotenoids and Cancer-Related Fatigue: An Analysis of the 2005–2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-04-04, 01:24 authored by Amber S. Kleckner, Edwin van Wijngaarden, Todd A. Jusko, Ian R. Kleckner, Po-Ju Lin, Karen M. Mustian, Luke J. Peppone

Suppl. Table 1. Results of crude and adjusted models describing the association between carotenoid concentrations and fatigue: all model output. For body mass index, estimates are compared to normal weight (18.5-<25 kg/m2); 1=<18.5 kg/m2, 3=25-<30 kg/m2, and 4=≥30 kg/m2). For race/ethnicity, estimates are compared to non-Hispanic White, 1=Mexican American, 2=Other Hispanic, 4=non-Hispanic Black American, 5=Other non-Hispanic race, including multi-racial. For education, estimates are compared to having at least a college education (11= less than a high school education, 12= at least high school but less than a four-year college education, 13=at least a four-year college education).

Suppl. Table 2. Results of adjusted model with the nutrient×cancer interaction term to explore the associations between carotenoids and cancer-related fatigue: all model output.

Suppl. Table 3. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the effects of the nutrient×cancer interaction on fatigue. Models are adjusted for age, body mass index, race/ethnicity, education, physical activity, history of a cancer diagnosis, and nutrient concentration.

Suppl. Table 4. Results of adjusted models (no interaction term) describing the association between carotenoid concentrations and fatigue only among cancer survivors: all model output; estimates for race/ethnicity are compared to non-Hispanic Whites, 1=Mexican American, 2=Other Hispanic, 4=non-Hispanic Black American, 5=Other non-Hispanic race, including multi-racial; estimates for body mass index are compared to those of normal weight; and estimates for education are compared to those with at least a college education. Exercise is estimated from metabolic equivalents (MET hours) per week as a continuous variable. Age, Years since Diagnosis, and carotenoid concentration are treated as continuous variables. (n=272)


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National Center for Advanced Translational Sciences

Maryland Department of Health's Cigarette Restitution Fund Program



Cancer-related fatigue often persists for years into survivorship, reduces quality of life, and prevents people from returning to their lives before cancer. Interventions to address cancer-related fatigue are much needed. Herein, serum carotenoids were associated with lower fatigue, thereby supporting further development of nutritional interventions to address fatigue in survivorship.

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