Supplementary Tables S1-S10. Supplementary Figures S1-S5. from Prognostic Significance of Immune Cell Populations Identified by Machine Learning in Colorectal Cancer Using Routine Hematoxylin and Eosin–Stained Sections
Table S1. Analyses of MSI, DNA methylation, KRAS, BRAF, and PIK3CA mutations, and neoantigen load. Table S2. Clinical and pathological characteristics of colorectal cancer cases according to tumor stromal immune cell densities in TCGA dataset. Table S3. Steps of immune cell detection and quantification and tissue category classification from images of H&E stained sections using QuPath. Table S4. Statistical methods for survival analysis. Table S5. Immune cell densities in tumor intraepithelial and stromal regions and colorectal cancer-specific survival with inverse probability weighting (IPW). Table S6. Densities of stromal lymphocytes, plasma cells, and eosinophils and patient survival in strata of MSI status with inverse probability weighting (IPW). Table S7. Comparison of the prognostic power of immune cell densities in colorectal cancer-specific survival analyses. Table S8. Combination of spatial G-cross measurement and density measurements of lymphocytes, plasma cells, neutrophils, and eosinophils in relation to colorectal cancer-specific survival. Table S9. Densities of intraepithelial and stromal immune cells and patient survival in TCGA dataset. Table S10. Tumor:Immune cell G-cross function area under the curve and patient survival in TCGA dataset. Figure S1. Reproducibility of the immune cell counting. Figure S2. Boxplots of the densities of intraepithelial and stromal lymphocytes, plasma cells, neutrophils, and eosinophils across 10 TMAs. Figure S3. UMAP analysis of colorectal cancer cases according to intraepithelial and stromal densities of lymphocytes, plasma cells, neutrophils, and eosinophils. Figure S4. Relationships of intraepithelial and stromal immune cell densities with LINE-1 methylation level, BRAF mutation, KRAS mutation, and PIK3CA mutation. Figure S5. Inverse probability weighting-adjusted Kaplan-Meier curves of colorectal cancer-specific survival according to ordinal categories (C1-C4) of intraepithelial lymphocyte (A), plasma cell (B), neutrophil (C), and eosinophil (D) densities.