posted on 2023-03-30, 21:20authored byTatiana Popova, Elodie Manié, Guillaume Rieunier, Virginie Caux-Moncoutier, Carole Tirapo, Thierry Dubois, Olivier Delattre, Brigitte Sigal-Zafrani, Marc Bollet, Michel Longy, Claude Houdayer, Xavier Sastre-Garau, Anne Vincent-Salomon, Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet, Marc-Henri Stern
PDF file - 198K, Table S1. Number of chromosomes in the cell lines according to ATCC description, SKY images, and GAP estimation. Table S2. Tumor ploidy and percentage of genomic states in tumor genome. Table S3. Validation of LSTs by NGS, PCR and Sanger sequencing. Table S4. Final results obtained on the Experimental set of BLCs. Table S5. Final results obtained on the Validation set of BLCs. Table S6. LSTs fit validated rearrangements in triple-negative cell lines. Table S7. LSTs are conserved in xenografts.