posted on 2023-06-05, 18:20authored byBryson W. Katona, Kelsey Klute, Randall E. Brand, Jessica N. Everett, James J. Farrell, Kieran Hawthorne, Vivek Kaul, Sonia S. Kupfer, Salvatore Paiella, Diane M. Simeone, Daniel A. Sussman, George Zogopoulos, Aimee L. Lucas, Fay Kastrinos, Yan Bi, Teresa Brentnall, Daniel Chung, Julie Earl, Srinivas Gaddam, Steve Gallinger, John J. Graff, William Greenhalf, Aaron Grossberg, Philip Hart, Gregory Idos, Joanne Jeter, James Lindberg, Andrew Lowy, Jennifer Permuth, Maria Raitses-Gurevich, Intan Schrader, Jens Siveke, Elena Stoffel, Marlies Vornhuelz, Raymond Wadlow
Supplementary Table 5: Consent and biosample collection rates amongst HRIs stratified by age
Smith Family Research Fund
Basser Center for BRCA
Project Purple
Since its inception two years ago, the international, multicenter Pancreatic Cancer Early Detection (PRECEDE) Consortium has enrolled high-risk individuals (HRI) undergoing pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) surveillance. Herein we aim to evaluate enrollment disparities in PRECEDE. Data on HRIs enrolled between May 2020 and March 2022 were collected, with HRIs defined as participants enrolled in PRECEDE meeting guideline-based criteria for PDAC surveillance. Of 1,273 HRIs enrolled, 1,113 were eligible for inclusion, with 47.2% meeting familial pancreatic cancer criteria without a known pathogenic variant (PV) and the remainder having a pathogenic variant in a PDAC-risk gene (CDKN2A, STK11, PRSS1, BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, ATM, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, or EPCAM). Study participants were predominantly from the United States (82.7%), the most common age range at enrollment was 60–69 years (37.4%), and a non-PDAC cancer was present in 32.4%. There were racial/ethnic- and sex-based disparities among enrolled subjects, as the majority of participants were female (65.9%) and self-reported white (87.7%), with only 2.9% having Hispanic ethnicity. While more than 97% of participants consented to utilize imaging data and biosamples for research, there was no difference in rate of consent based on race/ethnicity, sex, or age, thereby demonstrating uniform participation in research activities among all subgroups after enrollment. Ensuring that diversity of HRIs in PDAC surveillance programs mirrors the communities served by participating centers is important. Substantial racial/ethnic- and sex-based disparities persist among recently enrolled HRIs undergoing PDAC surveillance, and therefore reducing these disparities will be a major focus of the PRECEDE Consortium moving forward.
Pancreatic cancer surveillance is critical to decreasing pancreatic cancer mortality; therefore, it is important that pancreatic cancer surveillance studies enroll diverse patients. We demonstrate that substantial racial/ethnic- and sex-based disparities exist amongst enrollment in the international PRECEDE consortium, highlighting the dire need for future efforts to reduce these disparities.See related Spotlight, p. 305