American Association for Cancer Research

Supplementary Table 2 from MHC Class II is Induced by IFNγ and Follows Three Distinct Patterns of Expression in Colorectal Cancer Organoids

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-08-09, 14:20 authored by Oliver J. Pickles, Kasun Wanigasooriya, Anetta Ptasinska, Akshay J. Patel, Helen L. Robbins, Claire Bryer, Celina M. Whalley, Louise Tee, Neeraj Lal, Claudia M.A. Pinna, Nahla Elzefzafy, Philippe Taniere, Andrew D. Beggs, Gary M. Middleton

Summary of CIITA RT-qPCR results. Relative increase in CIITA mRNA expression following IFNy stimulation, mean cycle threshold (Ct) values for CIITA expression pre- and post-stimulation as determined by RT-qPCR. Each condition performed with four technical replicates. Relative expression calculated using 2^-(ΔΔCt) method and controlled using GAPDH.


Cancer Research UK (CRUK)



Cancer cell expression of MHC class II significantly impacts tumor microenvironmental immunity. Previous studies investigating mechanisms of repression of IFNγ-inducible class II expression using cell lines demonstrate epigenetic silencing of IFN pathway genes as a frequent immune evasion strategy. Unlike cell lines, patient-derived organoids maintain epigenetic fidelity to tissue of origin. In the first such study, we analyze patterns, dynamics, and epigenetic control of IFNγ-induced class II expression in a series of colorectal cancer organoids.