Supplementary Figures from Association of TP53 Mutational Status and Gender with Survival after Adjuvant Treatment for Stage III Colon Cancer: Results of CALGB 89803
Supplementary Figures - PDF file 341K, Figure S1. CALGB 89803 Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) diagram. Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) 89803 conducted a randomized trial of adjuvant therapy in patients with stage III colorectal cancers. The trial included prospective determination of the relationship between tumor TP53 mutational status, gender, and treatment outcome as a secondary study end point. CPT-11, irinotecan; FU, fluorouracil; LV, leucovorin. Figure S2. Kaplan-Meier estimates of disease-free survival related to TP53 status for men and women in CALGB 89803. A. DFS in the presence or absence of any TP53 mutation showed no differences among women (P = 0.16). B. Similarly, DFS in the presence or absence of any TP53 mutation showed no differences among men (P = 0.16). WT = wild type TP53; Mutant = any TP53 mutation in exons 5-8). Corresponding 5 year survival estimates are in Table 2, Rows 5 and 6. Figure S3. Kaplan-Meier estimates of disease-free survival related to TP53 status among men in CALGB 89803. Men whose tumors harbored wild-type (WT) TP53, or tumors with mutations in the zinc-binding (ZB) or non-zinc binding (NZB) domains of TP53 were treated with 5FU/LV (Figure S3A) or IFL (Figure S3B). No differences in survival according to TP53 genotype were observed among men treated with 5FU/LV (P = 0.65) or IFL, P = 0.14. Corresponding 5 year survival estimates are in Table 2, Rows 16-17. Figure S4. Kaplan-Meier estimates of disease-free survival related to TP53 status among women in CALGB 89803. Women whose tumors harbored wild-type TP53, or tumors with mutations in the zinc-binding (ZB) or non-zinc binding (NZB) domains of TP53 were treated with 5FU/LV or IFL. (A) Women with TP53 WT tumors experienced a statistically similar outcome on either treatment arm (P = 0.35. (B) Women whose tumors harbored ZB mutations may have benefited marginally from IFL as compared to 5FU/LV (P = 0.10). (C) Women whose tumors harbored NZB mutations experienced a trend toward better survival with 5FU/LV compared to IFL (P = 0.08)