American Association for Cancer Research

Supplementary Figures S1-S6 and Tables from Regulation of Prostate Androgens by Megalin and 25-hydroxyvitamin D Status: Mechanism for High Prostate Androgens in African American Men

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-04-04, 02:02 authored by Jason Garcia, Kirsten D. Krieger, Candice Loitz, Lillian M. Perez, Zachary A. Richards, Yves Helou, Steve Kregel, Sasha Celada, Clementina A. Mesaros, Maarten Bosland, Peter H. Gann, Thomas E. Willnow, Donald Vander Griend, Rick Kittles, Gail S. Prins, Trevor Penning, Larisa Nonn

S1. Accompanies Figure 1 and 2.

S2. Accompanies Figure 2. No differences in bitransgenic mouse prostate histology, weights and fertility.

S3. Relates to Figure 3. Vitamin D receptor and androgen receptor response elements in LRP2 promoter.

S4. Relates to Figure 3. Prostate slices express hormone response components and respond to 25D and T.

S5. Relates to Figure 4. Androgen levels by Gleason and Age.

S6. Relates to Figure 6. Expression of LRP2 by age and BCR in DFKZ and TCGA cohorts.

Table S1. Cell and tissue characteristics

Table S2. Primer sequences


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HHS | NIH | National Cancer Institute (NCI)

HHS | NIH | National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)

HHS | NIH | National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)



These findings link vitamin D deficiency and the megalin protein to increased levels of prostate androgens, which may underpin the disparity in lethal prostate cancer in African America men.