Supplementary Figures S1-S13 from Spatial Transcriptomics of Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas Identifies NKX6-2 as a Driver of Gastric Differentiation and Indolent Biological Potential
Figure S1. Spatial maps showing number of genes detected per spot in the 13 samples used for spatial transcriptomics analyses. Figure S2. A) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) of all spots collected from the 13 samples by ST. Figure S3. A) Violin plot showing expression of CDX2 and MUC2 in the epilesional compartments of IPMN and PDAC samples. Figure S4. Cell type proportions in LG and HR IPMN compartments determined by RCTD deconvolution. Figure S5. COMET cyclic IF imaging of IPMN. Figure S6. NKX6-2 levels determined by ST and COMET analyses conducted on tissue samples from the same patient. Figure S7. NKX6-2 expression in LG IPMN samples and its associated signature. Figure S8. A) Enrichment plots for gastric REG3A positive cells, main fetal acinar cells, pancreas acinar cells, and ductal cells obtained via GSEA analyses. Figure S9. Spatial transcriptomic analyses of a murine model of IPMN. Figure S10. A) Gene set enrichment analyses (GSEA) of differentially expressed cell type signatures between Nkx6-2+ and Nkx6-2 – spots in the Gnas;Kras mice samples. Figure S11. Nkx6-2 overexpression in a Kras;Gnas cell line. Figure S12. Nkx6-2 overexpression in KPC cell lines. Figure S13. Quantification of the percentage of glandular structures in the tumors derived from Kras;GnasNkx6-2 or control cell lines in littermate (Kras;Gnas, left) mice or immunodeficient nude mice (NuJ, right).