posted on 2023-03-31, 17:13authored byYoko Takahashi, Michael E. Kupferman, Diana Bell, Tilahun Jiffar, June Goo Lee, Tong-Xin Xie, Ning-Wei Li, Mei Zhao, Mitchell J. Frederick, Alexander Gelbard, Jeffrey N. Myers, Ehab Y. Hanna
PDF file - 169K, Tumorigenicity of MDA8788-7 cells. Tumorigenicity was examined by injecting cells into the flanks of the mice. (A) The cells injected into the flank without Matrigel formed in 75% of mice (6 of 8 mice). (B) By adding Matrigel, tumors grew much larger than the ones without adding Matrigel. (C) Average size of the tumors. (D) H& E staining from the tumor of the flank injection showed very similar appearance to the surgical specimen from the SNUC patient. The original magnifications x40 (left) and x200 (right).