Supplementary Figure 1 from SPINDLIN1 Promotes Cancer Cell Proliferation through Activation of WNT/TCF-4 Signaling
PDF file - 2MB, Effect of SPINDLIN1 depletion on cancer cell proliferation and WNT/TCF-4 signaling. A. The siRNA interference sequence against SPINDLIN1 or an oligonucleotide control sequence was transfected into HeLa cells, and RT-PCR was used to examine the expression of SPINDLIN1, using �-ACTIN as an internal standard. B. HeLa cells treated with the same methods as A were used for the CCK-8 assay to analyze cell proliferation. The absorbance at 450 nm was monitored every 24 h over 7 d. N=6. C. Five hundred HeLa cells per well were treated with the same methods as A and were plated in 6-well plates and incubated for 2-3 weeks. Colonies were stained with crystal violet (top panels) and the numbers of colonies were counted (bottom panel). N=3, **p<0.01 compared to control (Student's t test). D. In HeLa cells, pTOPFlash was co-transfected with the siRNA interference sequence against SPINDLIN1 or the negative control sequence, and the pFOPFlash control vector was co-transfected with the siRNA interference sequence against SPINDLIN1. The TCF/�-CATENIN-responsive activity was expressed as relative luciferase activity, normalized to Renilla activity, and given as n-fold relative to the activity of control. Error bars indicate the means � SD. N=3, **p<0.01 compared with the level of OT+siRNA-SPINDLIN1 (Student's t test).