Supplemental Material from A PAM50-Based Chemoendocrine Score for Hormone Receptor–Positive Breast Cancer with an Intermediate Risk of Relapse
Supplemental Methods, Tables and Figures Tables Table S1. CES association with chemotherapy sensitivity (measured as pCR) in the MDACC-based dataset. Table S2. CES association with chemotherapy sensitivity (measured as Residual Cancer Burden [RCB]) in the MDACC-based dataset. Model A. Table S3. CES association with chemotherapy sensitivity (measured as Residual Cancer Burden [RCB]) in the MDACC-based dataset. Model B. Table S4. Univariate association of CES and various signatures with chemotherapy sensitivity in HR+/HER2-negative disease from the MDACC-based dataset. Table S5. Association of CES and PAM50 Proliferation Signature with chemotherapy sensitivity in HR+/HER2-negative disease from the MDACC-based dataset. Table S6. Association of CES and CHEMOPRED Signature with chemotherapy sensitivity in HR+/HER2-negative disease from the MDACC-based dataset. Table S7. Association of CES and the proliferation component of the Genomic Health Index (GHI; OncotypeDX Recurrence Score) with chemotherapy sensitivity in HR+/HER2- negative disease from the MDACC-based dataset. Table S8. Association of CES and Genomic Grade Index (GGI) Signature with chemotherapy sensitivity in HR+/HER2-negative disease from the MDACC-based dataset. Table S9. Association of CES and SET index Signature with chemotherapy sensitivity in HR+/HER2-negative disease from the MDACC-based dataset. Table S10. Association of CES and RCBPRED Signature with chemotherapy sensitivity in HR+/HER2-negative disease from the MDACC-based dataset. Table S11. Association of CES and DLDA30 Signature with chemotherapy sensitivity in HR+/HER2-negative disease from the MDACC-based dataset. Table S12. Association of CES and ROR-P Signature with chemotherapy sensitivity in HR+/HER2-negative disease from the MDACC-based dataset. Table S13. Association of CES and Ki67 by IHC with chemotherapy sensitivity in HR+/HER2-negative disease of the Malaga cohort. 7 Table S14. Association of CES and PAM50 ROR with chemotherapy sensitivity in HR+/HER2-negative disease of the Malaga cohort. Table S15. CES association with endocrine sensitivity in the Marsden dataset (n=103). Table S16. CES association with endocrine sensitivity in the Marsden dataset within HER2-negative disease (n=89). Figures Fig. S1. Association of CES with Miller-Payne following chemotherapy in HR+/HER2- negative disease from the Malaga-based cohort. Fig. S2. CES association with endocrine sensitivity in the Edinburgh dataset (n=120). (A) Tumor volume changes of each patient and response classification. (B) Association of CES and other variables with response (defined as at least 70% reduction by 90 days) in the overall population. (C) Association of CES and other variables with response within HER2-negative disease. Fig. S3. Association of CES with pCR in the combined dataset from the MDACC- and Malaga-based cohorts.