Figures S1-S8 from p120 Catenin Suppresses Basal Epithelial Cell Extrusion in Invasive Pancreatic Neoplasia
This file contains Figures S1-S8. Figure S1 shows examples of representative images used to score p120 catenin expression in human TMAs and pancreatic histology of mice with loss of p120 catenin. Figure S2 depicts recruitment of inflammation and a unique stromal composition in KCiMist1; p120f/wt and KCiMist1; p120f/f pancreata. Figure S3 shows that prominent basal epithelial cell extrusion in pancreata of KCiMist1; p120f/f mice is not associated with incomplete EMT. Figure S4 shows that pancreatic loss of p120 catenin in a mouse model of acute pancreatitis delays regeneration and results in significant recruitment of inflammation, observations which are mediated at least in part through activation of NF-kB. Figure S5 illustrates that a subset of epithelial cells extruding apically in KCiMist1; p120wt/wt, KCiMist1; p120f/wt, and KCiMist1; p120f/f pancreata express cleaved Caspase-3, while epithelial cells extruding basally do not express cleaved Caspase-3. Figure S6 depicts an analysis of chromosome content using Feulgen stain, which showed abnormal DNA content and aneuploidy in a subset of basally extruded epithelial cells in KCiMist1; p120f/f pancreata. Figure S7 shows mislocalized p120 catenin expression in greater than 95% isolated epithelial cells in human PDA. Figure S8 illustrates IPA results of microarray performed on GFP+ pancreatic cells of KCiMist1G; p120wt/wt and KCiMist1G; p120f/f mice as well as IHC of select targets identified from IPA results.