Figure S4. HL and KG1a cells were exposed to vehicle (Cont), 1.0 mM of OR21 (OR 1), 0.1 μM (HL60) or 0.5 μM (KG1a) of venetoclax (Ven) and OR21 plus venetoclax (OR+Ven). Then mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) was measured by flow cytometry. Venetoclax decreased MMP levels in HL60 and KG1a, while OR21 did not affect MMP levels in both monotherapy and combination. *p<0.05. n.s. indicated not significant.
Shinnihon Foundation of Advanced Medical Treatment Research (公益財団法人 新日本先進医療研究財団)
Takeda Science Foundation (TSF)
Japan Medical Association (JMA)
MEXT | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Ohara Pharmaceuticals (Ohara)
The standard treatment for elderly patients with AML is Ven combined with HMAs. OR21, a new oral HMA plus Ven showed synergistic antileukemia effects in vitro and vivo, suggesting that the combination of OR2100 plus Ven is a promising candidate oral therapy for AML.