All Supplementary Data from Recognition of Recurrent Protein Expression Patterns in Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia Identified New Therapeutic Targets
Supplementary Table S1. Treatment protocols pediatric AML patients. Supplemental Table S2: Patient characteristics for the 73 pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients Supplementary Table S3. This table contains the "Rosetta Stone" for the antibody and protein nomenclature (HUGO, MiMI, GeneCards) together with the RPPA staining details. Supplementary Table S4. Protein membership for the 31 defined protein functional groups. Supplementary Table S5. AML protein constellation membership for the 136 protein clusters. Supplementary Table S6. This table shows the univariate and multivariate Cox Proportional Hazard Model Supplementary Table S7. The combined ALL and AML protein constellation membership for the 142 protein clusters. Supplementary Table S8. Protein cluster membership for the leukemic cell lines. Supplementary Figure S1: The co-occurrence probability matrices for the ''Hypoxia'' PFG and the PFG ''CREB''. Supplementary Fig. S2. Principal component analysis for the 95 pediatric acute myeloid leukemia samples stratified by source; peripheral blood (PB) samples or bone marrow samples (BM). Supplementary Figure S3: Unsupervised hierarchical clustering for all 95 AML patient samples. Supplementary Figure S4. The minimal set of 30 antibodies that enable classification into the defined protein expression signatures. Supplementary Figure S5. (A) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering (Ward linkage) for all mycoplasma negative cell lines samples (N=95) and the 95 acute myeloid leukemia patient samples.