posted on 2023-04-03, 15:44authored byAnkita Jhuraney, Nicholas T. Woods, Gabriela Wright, Lily Rix, Fumi Kinose, Jodi L. Kroeger, Elizabeth Remily-Wood, W. Douglas Cress, John M. Koomen, Stephen G. Brantley, Jhanelle E. Gray, Eric B. Haura, Uwe Rix, Alvaro N. Monteiro
(A) Experimental design timeline for apoptosis assays. (B) Caspase-3 activity assay in H522 cells (left panel) which express both WEE1 and PAXIP1 and in H1395 cells (right panel) which express PAXIP1 but no WEE1. (C-E) Caspase-3 activity was measured after treatment with AZD1775 at the time points indicated in H322 cells overexpressing full length PAXIP1 (C), or with PAXIP1 knockdown (D), or overexpressing TAP-PAXIP1 tBRCT C2 (E).
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute