Figure 6 from Single-Cell Analysis of Bone Marrow CD8+ T Cells in Myeloid Neoplasms Reveals Pathways Associated with Disease Progression and Response to Treatment with Azacitidine
BM-derived CD8+ T cells of nonresponders (FAIL) displayed a suppressed cytotoxic molecular signature at the single-cell level. A, Dot plot representing MSigDB (Hallmark 2020) enrichment analysis of positively enriched pathways in FAIL patients. Enriched pathways with a q-value <0.05 (Benjamini–Hochberg correction) are shown. B, TGF-β signaling score of cluster 2 (CTL_1) and violin plots displaying the expression levels of the top DEGs of cluster 2 (CTL_1), involved in the enrichment of the TGF-β signaling pathway between CR and FAIL. C, TGF-β signaling score of cluster 4 (CTL_2) and violin plots displaying the expression levels of the top DEGs of cluster 4 (CTL_2), involved in the enrichment of the TGF-β signaling pathway between CR and FAIL. D, Comparison of the cytotoxic score of each group, as it is projected onto the respective UMAPs. E, Cytotoxic score of cluster 2 (CTL_1) and violin plots exhibiting the expression levels of the top differentially expressed cytotoxicity-related genes of cluster 2 (CTL_1) between CR and FAIL. F, Cytotoxic score of cluster 4 (CTL_2) and violin plots exhibiting the expression levels of the top differentially expressed cytotoxicity-related genes of cluster 4 (CTL_2) between CR and FAIL.