Figure 1 from Functional Homologous Recombination Assay on FFPE Specimens of Advanced High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer Predicts Clinical Outcomes
RAD51-based assay to determine fHR capacity from chemo-naïve and NACT-treated clinical HGSC specimens. A, Diagram showing the sample collection. Chemo-naïve samples were obtained from PDS or DL. NACT-treated specimens were obtained from IDS. B, Workflow of the fHR assay. Example images of geminin (green) and RAD51 (red) double stained fHRD and fHRP samples with ImageJ analysis illustration. Number of RAD51 and geminin double positive nuclei divided by the number of geminin-positive nuclei provides the fHR score. C and D, Distribution of fHR scores in chemo-naïve samples (C), as well as in the IDS (NACT-treated) samples (D), shown separately for discovery and validation cohorts. Dashed line indicates the proposed fHRD versus fHRP cutoffs. Colored squares depict HRD estimates from genomics-based assays, with blue shades corresponding to HRD and red shades to HRP. “Non-matched treatment stage” refers to cases where the genomics-based estimate of the patient was obtained from a different surgery sample (PDS/DL vs. IDS) than the fHR score. Deleterious mutations in HR genes identified from WGS/WES data are indicated for each patient. For the IDS validation cohort, only BRCA1/2 mutational testing results from the clinic were available. Asterisks indicate patients who received bevacizumab as part of their subsequent maintenance treatment. E, Comparison of fHR scores from chemo-naïve and IDS (NACT-treated) samples, obtained from the same patient (n = 13 patients). Abbreviations: ND, no data. (A, Created with