FIGURE 1 from Proteasome Inhibition Reprograms Chromatin Landscape in Breast Cancer
Proteasome inhibition reprograms accessible chromatin. A, Heat maps showing differential (MG treated minus untreated) signal for DNA accessibility (ATAC, nucleosome-free reads <100 bp), H3K27ac (K27ac), H3K4me1 (Kme1), and H3K4me3 (K4me3) at DOCRs that increase (GAIN) accessibility after 24H treatment compared with untreated. B, Heat maps as in A at DOCRs that decrease (LOST) accessibility. Signal spans ±1 kb from the center of the defined DOCR regions and is ranked on the basis of the degree of change in accessibility, where regions at the top have the most change in accessibility. The color scale shows an increase (red) or decrease (blue) in differential signal. Side by side heat maps show differential signal at the 4H and 24H time points. DOCRs are split by genomic category into PROMOTER, GENIC, and INTERGENIC. N is the number of DOCRs in each genomic category. C, Metaplots for ATAC signal and ChIP-seq binding signals of K27ac, K4me1, and K4me3 at GAIN DOCRs. D, Metaplots as in C, LOST DOCRs. Signal includes the untreated state (0) and after 4H and 24H of treatment. Line color density reflects treatment conditions [light (0) to darkest 24H)]. E, Pie charts showing the proportion of DOCRs assigned to various chromatin states using Epilogos N is the number of DOCRs in each category.