American Association for Cancer Research

Data Supplement from Targeted Deletion and Lipidomic Analysis Identify Epithelial Cell COX-2 as a Major Driver of Chemically Induced Skin Cancer

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posted on 2023-04-03, 16:25 authored by Jing Jiao, Tomo-O Ishikawa, Darren S. Dumlao, Paul C. Norris, Clara E. Magyar, Carol Mikulec, Art Catapang, Edward A. Dennis, Susan M. Fischer, Harvey R. Herschman

Antibodies used for Immunohistochemistry analyses.



Pharmacologic and global gene deletion studies demonstrate that cyclooxygenase-2 (PTGS2/COX-2) plays a critical role in DMBA/TPA–induced skin tumor induction. Although many cell types in the tumor microenvironment express COX-2, the cell types in which COX-2 expression is required for tumor promotion are not clearly established. Here, cell type–specific Cox-2 gene deletion reveals a vital role for skin epithelial cell COX-2 expression in DMBA/TPA tumor induction. In contrast, myeloid Cox-2 gene deletion has no effect on DMBA/TPA tumorigenesis. The infrequent, small tumors that develop on mice with an epithelial cell–specific Cox-2 gene deletion have decreased proliferation and increased cell differentiation properties. Blood vessel density is reduced in tumors with an epithelial cell–specific Cox-2 gene deletion, compared with littermate control tumors, suggesting a reciprocal relationship in tumor progression between COX-2–expressing tumor epithelial cells and microenvironment endothelial cells. Lipidomics analysis of skin and tumors from DMBA/TPA–treated mice suggests that the prostaglandins PGE2 and PGF2α are likely candidates for the epithelial cell COX-2–dependent eicosanoids that mediate tumor progression. This study both illustrates the value of cell type–specific gene deletions in understanding the cellular roles of signal-generating pathways in complex microenvironments and emphasizes the benefit of a systems-based lipidomic analysis approach to identify candidate lipid mediators of biologic responses.Implications:Cox-2 gene deletion demonstrates that intrinsic COX-2 expression in initiated keratinocytes is a principal driver of skin carcinogenesis; lipidomic analysis identifies likely prostanoid effectors. Mol Cancer Res; 12(11); 1677–88. ©2014 AACR.