posted on 2023-03-31, 18:20authored byEsteban Braggio, Scott Van Wier, Juhi Ojha, Ellen McPhail, Yan W. Asmann, Jan Egan, Jackline Ayres da Silva, David Schiff, M. Beatriz Lopes, Paul A. Decker, Riccardo Valdez, Raoul Tibes, Bruce Eckloff, Thomas E. Witzig, A. Keith Stewart, Rafael Fonseca, Brian Patrick O'Neill
Supplementary Table S2. Description of tissue source for DNA extraction and techniques performed in each sample. * Indicates cases with insufficient material where a whole genome amplification step was required before performing the molecular tests. FFPE: formalin fixed parraffin embedded. aCGH: array-based comparative genomic hybridization; WES: whole exome sequencing.