American Association for Cancer Research

Supplemental Table 1 from TumorMap: Exploring the Molecular Similarities of Cancer Samples in an Interactive Portal

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posted on 2023-03-31, 01:46 authored by Yulia Newton, Adam M. Novak, Teresa Swatloski, Duncan C. McColl, Sahil Chopra, Kiley Graim, Alana S. Weinstein, Robert Baertsch, Sofie R. Salama, Kyle Ellrott, Manu Chopra, Theodore C. Goldstein, David Haussler, Olena Morozova, Joshua M. Stuart

Supplemental Table 1A: Differential expression scores used in the pan-cancer cluster GSEA analysis. These scores represent integrated t-statistic scores from the differential analysis within each tissue (see Supplemental Methods). Supplemental Table 1B: Full results of the GSEA analysis of the pan-cancer cluster, based on differential expression scores. Supplemental Table 1C: Per-sample ESTIMATE scores used in analysis of the pan-cancer cluster. Supplemental Table 1D: Per-sample surrogate purity scores used in analysis of the pan-cancer cluster. Supplemental Table 1E: List of genes located on sex chromosomes that were excluded from the methylation dataset in order to analyze only autosomal gene features. Supplemental Table 1F: Attributes available in the TumorMap that annotate metadata of the samples, along with descriptions of those attributes. Supplemental Table 1G: Statistical tests computed by different attribute enrichment analysis (AEA) tools available in the TumorMap. Supplemental Table 1H: List of 82 samples in the pan-cancer cluster in the integrated map as well as tissue composition, along with the number of samples, in the integrated pan-cancer cluster. Supplemental Table 1I: Input data for the LAML survival analysis.


National Cancer Institute

National Human Genome Research Institute

National Institute for General Medical Sciences

National Science Foundation Office of Cyberinfrastructure CAREER

Cancer – Prostate Cancer Foundation Prostate Dream Team

St. Baldricks Foundation Treehouse Childhood Cancer

California Kids Cancer Comparison



Vast amounts of molecular data are being collected on tumor samples, which provide unique opportunities for discovering trends within and between cancer subtypes. Such cross-cancer analyses require computational methods that enable intuitive and interactive browsing of thousands of samples based on their molecular similarity. We created a portal called TumorMap to assist in exploration and statistical interrogation of high-dimensional complex “omics” data in an interactive and easily interpretable way. In the TumorMap, samples are arranged on a hexagonal grid based on their similarity to one another in the original genomic space and are rendered with Google's Map technology. While the important feature of this public portal is the ability for the users to build maps from their own data, we pre-built genomic maps from several previously published projects. We demonstrate the utility of this portal by presenting results obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas project data. Cancer Res; 77(21); e111–4. ©2017 AACR.

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